Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I heard the heartbeat!

So I know I haven't posted anything in quite some time... I'm prego give me a break. But I just got home from my second appointment. My mom and grandma took me and we were the first to hear my baby's little heartbeat. It was so amazing. Listening to a little something alive and growing inside me. I really feel like I'm having a baby now. As if the morning sickness (who the hell came up with that name anyway) and the sleepiness weren't enough. But it really hit me that this thing inside me that's hurting and making me so sick is soon to be an actual breathing human being that I will have to love and care for. It's just all really surreal and mind blowing. I am going to me a mom. Man I hope it's a boy.

Dr. Burgett was also kinda mad because I've been so sick lately I've lost five pounds since my last appointment (February 10th). I know I need to eat to feed this thing but it's just so damn hard to shove food down my throat when all I can think about is throwing up. I feel really guilty and will try to eat healthier more frequently from now on. More soon!


  1. I am so bummed out that I didn't get to be with you. Now, go eat something REALLY fat filled! Love you and the wee one!

  2. I was the same way, so sick and loosing weight. Just wait, one day it'll be like night and day and suddenly you'll feel great.

  3. Hello cutie. Hope you are feeling well-er. Hope to meet you soon too. Come and visit my boring blog sometime. callisterclan.blogspot.com
