Our Baby Journal
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hospital scare: August 29th
So it may have been all the excitement from the baby shower, being in the heat and not drinking enough water, or I'm just a wimp, but on Saturday night I had the WORST contractions and back pains I've ever had. I was bawling for over an hour because of them and I had a serious feeling something was wrong. So around 10pm or so (can't remember) Garrett and I headed to Jordan Valley Hospital. (Slight digression: I was planning on delivering there while I was on Medicaid but I'm getting on Garrett's insurance so now I'm planning on delivering at the IMed hospital in Murray since that's where his insurance goes.) So we get there and I'm still kind of crying during contractions. They hook me up to the heartbeat monitor and contraction monitor and I'm having contractions about 2-3 minutes apart. Baby is fine and I'm still dilated to a 2. The nurse says I need to drink two of those huge hospital mugs of water in an hour or I'll need an IV and that she'll check me again in an hour to see if there's any change. I finish the first mug in a half hour and press the nurse button and tell her I finished it and she says she'll bring more but she never did...oh well, whatever, I had to pee really bad anyway. She comes back about 45 minutes after that and checks me again...no change :[ I wanted so badly to be more dilated! I want her out (as I've said many times before). She said I was still contracting every 2-3 minutes but sent me home with a list of reasons to come back. Conclusion: disappointing evening but could've been worse.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Baby shower: August 29th
Garrett's mom, Kay threw me the most beautiful shower! She even ordered online these custom pink and green M&M in jars as party favors-half say "Asher Kaylynne" and the other half say "2009 Arrival". They were so cute! The shower had lots of yummy food and was lots of fun. I got to meet a ton of their family- Kay's side, Garry's side (Garrett's adoptive dad), and the Jardine side (Garrett's biological dad). Everyone was so nice and I really appreciate them coming and all the wonderful gifts for Asher! I am extremely grateful for Kay and everything she does for Garrett, Asher, and I. She worked her butt off throwing this unbelievable shower and it sure showed! A million thanks to Kay for always being there for us and caring so much! I am so lucky to have the best mother-in-law ever! I love her so much!
Here are some pics from the shower.

Welcome baby Xander Aiden Harward!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Appointment and breastfeeding class: August 25th
Woo hoo! I'm dilated to a 2!
Breastfeeding class was very boring and pretty useless. The lady was just saying everything for my benefit (she kept saying so) because I was the only new mom in the class. Everyone else already had kids. I'm sick of hearing about how it doesn't come naturally or it's so hard and I need a lactation specialist or whatever. I think I'll do just fine thank you very much!
Baby shower: August 23rd
It finally happened! My very much anticipated baby shower! Thrown by my mom and grandma at her beautiful house in Holladay. It was so much fun and the food was delicious!
Jess and Steph made these yummy chocolate balls for my shower! Half are filled with red velvet cake and the other half with crushed oreo cookies! They were really rich and delicious!
The food table at the baby shower...so many tasty dishes!
Thanks everyone who contributed :]

Me and Jess
Present table early on (shower hadn't really started yet)
My belly cast that Garrett and I made-guests were supposed to sign/draw/write a message to Asher
Lol with a streamer tube top...
Advice cards my grandma made-guests were supposed to give their advice to new mom to be (me!) and on the sides put their guesses for Asher's weight and due date for a drawing to win gift baskets from The Creekside Creations (my grandma and mom's company) www.thecreeksidecreations.com and write "diapers" on the top if they brought diapers to also win a gift basket.
Party favors from The Creekside Creations-room mists and soap.
Me and Jess
Annette and Renee

Opening gifts
From Jess-handmade blanket and burp cloths, so cute!
From Jess-handmade modge modged letters of Asher's name for her room. Damn my aunt is crafty! Lol they are seriously sooo cute!
From my great grandma Summers (who couldn't make it, she's sick)-beautiful handmade blanket and embroidered burp cloths. Tradition to bring baby home in her blankets! Asher will be brought home in it then I'm totally saving it for when she's older!
Falisha, Shay, Mom, and me
Me trying to eat between opening gifts.
The four pregos! Falisha, Kassi, me, and Shay...maybe there's something in the water?
Toni, Steph, my grandma, Kay, and Beverly
Kay and Beverly-Garrett's mom and grandma. I love them!
From Renee-this thing is so cool! You put it in grocery carts or high chairs.
From Shay-so cute!
Renee, Danielle, and Toni
Gift cards, yay!
Deja, Renee, Toni, Steph, and Tayler
So soft!
Isn't it cute? So many cute clothes! I love baby girl stuff :]
Gift table-my grandma insisted on taking everything out and displaying it.
Asher sure did hit the jackpot...
From Donna-handmade hat by her mom
Falisha, Kassi, Jess, and Shay
Mmm! The desserts are on now!
Roya, Mom, and Sherron
Renee, Cali, Steph, Marie, Kaylee, Jodi, Natasha, and Heather
Soon to be 4 (5 if my great grandma Summers were there) generations! Can you believe it?
My grandma, me, and my mom (being weird and obsessed with my belly as usual).
Shasta wants in...
Me and Sherron
Gift opening is tiring...
Jess re-decorating my belly cast.
This is what Jess and Steph ended up with-they took off my streamer tube top and decided to make me what they called a bikini. Lol very creative...
Me, Steph, and Jess-the favorites!
Baby Shower is over and the men can return! My grandma, me, and Garrett (being a dork as usual...can't he smile normally in one single picture?)
Thanks to everyone who brought yummy food, thank you everyone who came (and even those who couldn't make it and dropped off a gift for Asher). But most of all, thank you to my mom and grandma for throwing me such a fabulous party and working your asses off! I really appreciate it and love you sooo much!
Here's some of the many pics! Hahaha thanks Steph, Mom, and Gamama for letting me steal them!

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